Steph Ruopp

Steph Ruopp


Steph (she/her) came to yoga in 2002 at a time when her knees and hips began to object to the rigors of too many years of running. That, and she struggled with, at times, paralyzing clinical depression and anxiety. Initially swept up by the Ashtanga practice, she began incorporating other practices to complement it. Soon, she was completely absorbed by the practice and by 2004, was teaching yoga. Yeah, it surprised her too.

Anyhow, Steph has a straightforward approach to, well, everything. And that includes her teaching. She’s also a writer, dog-walker, and life coach (yep, another surprise). While yoga hasn’t “cured” her depression, it’s certainly become an important tool in her tool box to treat it. And she revels in helping students understand how yoga can help them too.

Join Steph on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. for a Better Backs class both in-person and online. This class is for all students and can be particularly helpful to those seeking relief from the pain of herniated or bulging discs; chronic muscular tension; spasms in the upper back, neck and shoulders; tension headaches; and just general stress.

Checkout a prerecorded class with Steph on our Namaste Yoga YouTube channel.

Stephanie’s Teaching Schedule:

  • Fridays at 9:30 a.m. - Better Backs (studio + virtual)

What our Students Say About Stephanie